
During my time at JCU I taught into mathematics, physics, data science, and engineering subjects at mostly undergraduate level, with a couple of graduate level courses. At JCU and more recently at LANL I have gained experience in supervising student research projects.

At JCU I was involved in lecturing:

  • EG1002 – Computing and Sensors (2012)
  • MA1000 – Mathematical Foundations (2012)
  • MA2000 – Mathematics for Scientists and Engineers (2013,2015,2018)

At JCU I was engaged in classroom tutorials for:

  • EE2201 – Circuit Theory (2014)
  • EG1002 – Computing and Sensors (2012)
  • EG1012 – Electric Circuits (2011)
  • MA1000 – Mathematical Foundations (2012,2017)
  • MA1003 – Mathematical Techniques (2012)
  • MA1008 – Algebra & Calculus 1 (2018)
  • MA1020 – Preparatory Mathematics (2017)
  • MA2000 – Mathematics for Scientists and Engineers (2011, 2012, 2013,2015)
  • MA2201 – Numerical Mathematics (2011,2017)
  • MA3605 – Operations Research and Modelling (2017)
  • MA5800 – Fundamentals for Data Science (2018)
  • PH1005 – Advanced Stream Physics 1 (2013,2016)
  • PH2002 – Classical Mechanics and Quantum Physics 1 (2018)
  • PH2240 – Atomic and Nuclear Physics (2017)
  • PH3008 – Statistical Mechanics and Transport (2018)
  • SC1102 – Modelling Natural Systems (2010)